Investor Relations

TEE Group is guided by a set of principles that defines Investor Relations ("IR") as a strategic management responsibility that integrates finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance. This is to enable the most effective two-way communication between TEE Group and its stakeholders, which comprises staff and management, financial community, media and the public, which will ultimately contribute to achieving fair valuation of TEE Group.

Investor Relations Policy

TEE Group is committed to deliver timely, transparent, and consistent disclosures to its shareholders, the financial community and the public. Our IR function is one of the key corporate functions, and it is led by the Manager of IR and Communications.

Our IR policy ensures fair and open communications with all our stakeholders. We ensure that relevant and material information are disclosed in a clear, concise and consistent manner, in accordance with the listing manual of the SGX-ST, and the Securities and Futures Act. We also proactively provide information about matters that may influence share price movement to shareholders and members of the financial community, in an equal and simultaneous manner.


TEE International Limited (“TEE”) has a whistleblowing policy in place which encourages employees and vendors to report malpractices and misconduct in the workplace. TEE will protect employees and vendors who have acted in good faith, from victimisation by their colleagues or employees of TEE.  TEE will treat all information received confidentially and protect the identity and the interest of all whistle-blowers.  Anonymous disclosures will be accepted and anonymity honoured.

The policy allows a single, confidential line to report concerns about possible improprieties to the Audit Committee (AC) in good faith and in confidence. The policy defines the processes clearly to ensure independent investigation of such matters and appropriate follow-up action, and provides assurance that staff will be protected from reprisals.

Reports can be lodged in writing, via any of the following:

  1. By mail for the attention to the Audit Committee of the Company at the following address: 25 Bukit Batok Street 22, TEE Building, Singapore 659591.

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